A woman endures quite a lot during a pregnancy. The changes in her body, hormones, and weight can cause a great deal of discomfort throughout each trimester. At Bodylab we offer two important ways of assisting moms-to-be with their journey, to make it the most comfortable and healthy experience possible: Massage for Pregnancy: During pregnancy, a mother-to-be experiences various forms of discomfort. This can include swollen legs and ankles, added weight causing problems to the joints, lower back pain, changed posture, and much more. Massage can help ease some of these discomforts for pregnant women, while assisting with general relaxation and lessening anxiety. For prenatal massage, the woman lies on her side with a pillow to support her abdomen, and focus is put on the areas that she is experiencing the most discomfort. The result of regular massage treatments is less swelling, less pain, and a more relaxing overall pregnancy.
Chiropractic for Pregnancy: Another way to make a woman more comfortable during her pregnancy is regular chiropractic care, especially in conjunction with massage. Prenatal chiropractic can correct pelvic function, ease back pain, lessen labour time, and even allow for greater production of breast milk. A properly adjusted and aligned spine has been shown to make both the pregnancy and delivery more comfortable, which is reason enough to consider seeing a chiropractor for prenatal care. In addition, both massage and chiropractic can help with trouble sleeping, which is common during most pregnancies. Since we offer both chiropractic and massage at Bodylab, we are able to provide the prenatal services needed for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy. If you have any questions or concerns, we’re here to help – call us at 905 228 3130, or fill out our online form at any time. We will put together a treatment plan that best suits your individual needs.
March 2023