While chiropractic is our main focus at Bodylab, we also offer other forms of therapy. One of these services is acupuncture, which originated in ancient China and is now used widely across North America. For those unfamiliar with acupuncture and its benefits, it is one of the oldest healing practices in the world, utilizing very thin needles to stimulate different points of the body. It involves pricking the skin in specific areas to alleviate physical, mental, and emotional conditions. It is said that there are 350 acupuncture points in the body, and energy flows through these pathways. At Bodylab, we combine the traditional Chinese methods with the scientific, neurological and anatomical approach to the nervous system to stimulate and create a balance between damaged or weak muscles. When pain and inflammation is left untreated, it can result in chronic pain, and systemic problems such as sleeping disorders, cardiovascular disorders, nausea and allergies. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system directly, which helps to relieve the symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Studies show that musculoskeletal pain and headaches and back pain are often caused by stress, and so acupuncture is an effective method to deal with these symptoms.
These are some other conditions commonly treated by acupuncture: • Migraines/ Headaches • Acute pain • Diabetic neuropathy • TMJ • Tendonitis • Low back pain • Pre and post surgery • Scars • Carpal Tunnel If you suffer from any of these and are looking for relief, acupuncture may be a good option for you. Book an appointment with us via our online form, or send us a message. We’ll work with you to create the most effective treatment plan for your specific needs, and get you on your way to whole body health.
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March 2023